Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pregnancy Progress

Considering its only been about 5 days since we've found out, I think we are making excellent progress.  What we've done so far:

1.  Bought books on pregnancy - so far just two, although a couple of Borders are going out of business near us, so I think I may try to scoop up some more books, either on pregnancy, or books or about babies, or books for babies, or all three.  We'll see!
2.  Scheduled first appointment with obstetrician, March 31st.  This will be week 9.  The first appointment I made was a week earlier, but then realized that Paul-John wouldn't be able to go because he will be in Pheonix on business.  I'm really excited but wished the first appointment was sooner.
3.  Told my parents and my sister.  I am waiting to tell my brother in person next week when I see him for my birthday.  To tell my parents, I wrapped up a frame that said "Grandkids" on it and said I forgot to give it to dad for his birthday.  He totally didn't understand when he opened it, which was pretty funny, especially considering thats exactly what I told Paul-John I thought was going to happen when we were driving over there.
4.  Took a tour of the UCONN Health Center Family Birthing Center.  I thought this was a great idea but it turned out to be a little embarrassing.  We were pretty sure we wanted to go with UCONN, at least the website looked nicer than New Britain, but we weren't sure.  Both hospitals are super close, so when we saw on the website that they offer free tours we thought it would be great to check it out to see if we liked it or not while we still had plenty of time to change our mind.  We got there a little early, and were soon joined in the lobby by four more couples - all of whom were due in either March or April!  We felt so silly when the nurse giving the tour asked when everyone was due and I had to say "November."  Aside from feeling like I looked silly to everyone else, I am still really glad we took the tour because now we feel a lot more confident that this is where we want to go when the time comes.
5.  Paul-John told both of his parents as well, and is planning on calling his brother tomorrow.

Not bad for the first 5 days, if I do say so myself.  Over the next couple of weeks I think the big focus is going to be on rearranging all of the rooms to get ready.  We want to clean our room and paint it and rearrange some furniture, and then we have to combine the craft room and the den.  I told Paul-John now would be a great time to repaint every room in the house just because I can't help!  I love painting but really, really suck at it.  I don't even know if its true, but I'm sticking to I won't be able to help paint because I'm pregnant.  Makes sense, with fumes and all, right?  And its winter so we can't open any windows...

And of course, we can't forget baby knitting!  I've started looking over patterns so hopefully you'll see some updates soon on that front as well!

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