Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Baby Names

On Monday we had our anatomy ultrasound and we found out that we will be having a baby girl!  Of course, we are both very excited.  Everything else looked good and we got to hear the heartbeat again (153) but there was one view of the heart they needed and weren't able to get, so I'll be going back in three weeks.

Interestingly enough, before the scan we were nearly 100% on the name we had picked out for a girl and had no ideas for a boy.  That has since changed dramatically.  The first possible name was Sophia Theresa.   Theresa after Paul-John's grandmother, or meme, who died last year and to whom he was close.  Personally I didn't actually like the name Theresa (and it turns out neither did Paul-John) but I liked why we chose it.  Then Monday night, when we were driving to our celebratory dinner, Paul-John mentioned that his mom and had suggested Meme's middle name, Adrian.

Paul-John was first hesitant about Adrian because he didn't want everyone to pronounce it like Rocky when they said it.  But considering that it is only a middle name, not to mention the age of her peers, this seems unlikely outside of situations of older adults.  We both like the way Sophia Adrian sounds, and her initials would be SAM which we both like as well.  So once again, we were nearly 100% on a name.

And then today I was reading through a forum on Rav for people due in Nov, and two other people had mentioned using the name Sophia.  That in and of itself wouldn't bother me, but it made me curious so I decided to search how popular a name it is.

It turns out in 2010, Sophia was the 2nd most popular baby name, with Sofia at 26 and Sophie at 59.  This was very unexpected.  We like Sophia mostly for the meaning but also because we thought it was slightly unique.  If not unique, maybe common, but certainly not the second most popular name given to baby girls last year.  So now we are reconsidering the first name.  At this point I have no idea if we'll keep it or change it, but luckily we have some time to figure it out!

If you have a lot of time you feel like wasting on the internet, I highly recommend looking stuff up here.  For instance, it is interesting that the number of babies with the most common names have been decreasing.  For example, in 1950 the most popular female baby name was Linda with 80,408 babies.  In 2010, the number of Sophia, Sofia, and Sophie combined was only 31,139.


  1. What about Adrian as a first name? I know there's the whole Rocky thing, but it's still a pretty name. You could even do Adrian Sophia?

  2. i thought adrian was the male spelling while adrianne was the female...does it matter?? i think sophie elizabeth is pretty cute!!

  3. i really enjoy the sound of sofie, but i know it's only a matter of time before you and paul-john will come to the perfect conclusion.

  4. So far, Sophia Adrian is still our first pick for a name, although it hasn't even been a full week yet since we've been seriously thinking about it. We've both been trying to find other names we like and I've been asking friends with common first names how they feel about their names - while I know everyone is different and there is no way to know how our kid will feel about any name we choose, its been good to get some different perspectives.

    Michelle - we did consider that but we think we like Adrian as a middle name best.

    Pam - As far as we know Meme spelled it Adrian. I have seen Adrian for a boy as well, and Adrian or Adrienne for a girl. Since its a middle name I don't mind if it is a more masculine spelling.

    Danielle - thanks!
