So I've gotten some flak for not updating this nearly as often as I should be, so get ready for a long post!
The biggest pregnancy-related news is that I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes about three weeks ago. I am now testing my blood sugar four times a day and I have to be very mindful of what I'm eating - in addition to being low in sugar, it is also low in carbs. I also have to eat smaller meals with snacks in between, which also took some getting used to. The first week was very challenging, but now I've mostly figured out what works and what doesn't, and so it is getting much easier to manage. And there are two pieces of good news - at my last appointment we went over my numbers, and my doctor thinks I am doing a good job of managing my sugar levels. Otherwise I would need to go on medicine and go in to see the doctor every week! So I am really glad I don't have to do that. I also had an ultrasound, and so far the baby is still measuring within a normal range, so as long as I continue to manage this well she shouldn't get too big. I have another ultrasound coming up in a few more weeks to once again check on her size.
The only bad news, which really isn't bad, I guess, is that they now want me to deliver between 39 and 40 weeks and if I get to my due date then they will induce. So we'll see what happens!
Lots of other baby stuff has been happening as well. We have started on getting the nursery ready and over the next couple weeks we are hoping to get everything done in there. We painted it this weekend, and all it needs is some touch-ups which hopefully Paul-John will finish tonight. We also have to paint a couple pieces of furniture, and move a ton of stuff around. Right now the glider and changing table/hutch we got off Craigslist are hanging out in our living room, and the crib should be arriving either at the end of this week or early next week.
We have already had our childbirth preparation class, which turned out to be a total letdown and as soon as I work up the courage I'm going to be calling to ask for our money back. That's a long story that I've already told most people, but if you want to know, just ask. This weekend we have a cloth diaper class and then on Monday we have our infant care class. I'm really hoping these next two classes are a lot better, we are both really looking forward to both of them. The diaper class was free to sign up for and we'll be leaving with a coupon, so even if its not informative at least it won't be a waste of money. While there is a lot of information about cloth diapering online, there aren't any local stores to go and see anything in person, so I am really looking forward to this.
In non-pregnancy news, I got laid off from one of my three jobs. It sucks to be making less money, but I think we can manage. One job had just started to pick up around the time I got laid off (from 3hrs/wk - 6hrs/wk, but still) and now that school is back in session I should be seeing more hours doing prevention ed, so I'm staying optimistic. I also cut off all my hair and am opening a local chapter of a charity, so I've managed to stay busy. You'll be hearing more about that last one soon.